Scientists from U.C. Berkeley institute have conducted a study that proves lack of sufficient sleep during the night can cause excessive worrying during the day.

 Lack of sleep is associated wtih excessive worrying

The original study has been published in the Journal of Neuroscience of the University of California. It gives us new information about people who originally feel edgy and tired. Sleep deprivation intensifies anxiety by firing up regions in the brain that are connected to emotional processing, the same brain activity that also occurs in people with anxiety disorders. The study reveals that sleep deprivation can cause them even more serious anticipatory anxiety problems that are commonly connected to sudden panic attacks, post-traumatic stress disorder and other mental health disorders.

Another important aspect of the study suggests that people who are innately predisposed to worrying excessively are also more likely to experience the exacerbation of their anxiety issues if not submitted to a regular sleep therapy and treatment.

All in all, sleep is the most important factor for our mental health. If this fact is not acknowledged especially by innate worriers the negative effects of sleep deprivation could have a lasting negative impact on their overall well being.


I am much more complicated than u think the moment u think u have known me u realize u don't know me at all.

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