An ostrich’s eye is greater than its brain. Despite the small brains, ostriches are huge birds. they can weigh between one hundred forty to 290...
Category - Interesting Facts
The most interesting, unbelievable, funny, and weird facts on the internet.
Jackie Chan Birth Weight
A woman from Michigan named Barbara Soper gave birth on Date 10/10/10, 09/09/09 and 08/08/08
The odds of 50 million to one.
Real pencil sketch Pictures
Interesting Facts About : Translucent Goby Fish
Ever see a man without any nose ?
Ever see a man without any nose cartilage? This shocking photo shows one young man who reveals that he has no structure in his nose and can push the...
Named for the diamond-shaped growth rings on its prime shell, the diamondback terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin) a turtle native to the eastern and...
First woman to have a bionic arm
This is Claudia Mitchell – The first woman to have a bionic arm – a prosthetic limb that she controls with her mind.
The Most Expensive Dogs Would you like to spare a million dollar for a dog? We certainly know at least one person who did. A coal baron named Mr...
McDonald’s closing all restaurants in Bolivia as nation rejects fast food, People are waking up
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OMG WTF These Are Not What You Think They Are At first, the photo seems to depict two fingers, but these are not what you think they are. The photo...
Facfts About Pornography and Cocaine Studies have recently found that pornography is more addictive than cocaine. Triggering reactions in the brain...
Interesting Facts About Kim Kardashian
True Story About Eiffel Tower. A scrap metal dealer paid lots of money for it. He was however deceived by a very clever and persuasive conman. The...