Ghosts in Pacman These translate in Japanese to aspect of their ‘personalities’ Blinky the red ghost, has a personality of...
Category - Random Facts
The largest online collection of Random Interesting and Fun Facts.
Bigger Babies Have More Sex as Adults
Boys who gain the most weight in their first 6 months of growth go on to be taller and more powerful as adults, which increases the likelihood...
People who laugh a lot are much healthier than those who don’t. Dr. Lee berk at the Loma Linda faculty of Public Health in california found...
Facts About Love:
Research shows that men know they’re falling in love after just three dates, but women don’t fall in love until date 14.
Bollywood stars and their Hollywood look-alike
These are top 50 best bollywood stars and their hollywood look-alike. These celebrity have duplicates who share similar looks, features, eyes, smile...
11 year old girl carries parasitic fetus unborn sister back
20 similar cases have been reported in China. This Chinese girl of 11 years has a fetus encrusted and stands on his back. This is obviously the...
It’s partially true. A blue whale’s tongue can approach the weight of an adult female elephant. According to National Geographic, “Their tongues...
It is common for koalas to roam back to their home range afterwards and become confused to find nothing there. A worker noticed a koala had been...
Cracking your knuckles
Cracking your knuckles does not actually hurt your bones or cause arthritis. The sound you hear is just gas bubbles bursting.
An ostrich’s eye is greater than its brain. Despite the small brains, ostriches are huge birds. they can weigh between one hundred forty to 290...
Jackie Chan Birth Weight
A woman from Michigan named Barbara Soper gave birth on Date 10/10/10, 09/09/09 and 08/08/08
The odds of 50 million to one.